
Showing posts from March, 2019

राष्ट्र का सम्मान सर्वोपरि

राष्ट्र  का  सम्मान  सर्वोपरि  हर  व्यक्ति  अपने - अपने  स्तर  पर राष्ट्र का सम्मान कर सकता है। हमें अपने  राष्ट्र को अपना धर्म समझना चाहिए। यह समझना चाहिए की यदि राष्ट्र है तो हम हैं। हर व्यक्ति के लिए राष्ट्रधर्म सर्वोपरि होना चाहिए। हमें राष्ट्र की हर तरह से सेवा करनी चाहिए। आज कल तो राष्ट्र को राजनीती का अखाडा बना दिया गया हैं। राजनीती मे मतभेद हो सकते हैं पर मनभेद नहीं होना चाहिए। यदि देश में प्राकृतिक आपदाएं जैसे सुनामी,भूकंप ,अनावृष्टि ,बाढ़ , अकाल की स्थिति मे तथा देश मे आंतरिक या विदेशी आतंकवाद व विदेशी आक्रमण हो तो सब भारतियों को एकजुट होकर  मुकाबला करना चाहिए - उदाहरण के तौर पर इज़रायली जनता के राष्ट्रप्रेम से सीख लेनी चाहिए जिससे हमारा देश उन्नति करेगा। परन्तु,आजकल हमारे देश में इसका विपरीत ही हो रहा है। कुछ राजनैतिक दल इसके अनुकूल ही चल रहे हैं।  जब भारत ने पुलवामा अटैक का जवाब एयर स्ट्राइक से  दिया था तब खुश होने के बजाए कुछ राजनैतिक दलों ने हमारे आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री पर शर्मनाक प्रश्न किएँ और इसके होने पर शक किया।अंत में मै आप सभी से इतना ही कहना चाहती हूँ कि राष्ट्र का
My Papa.... When I stepped into the world  I saw a man with beard I started wailing without realizing That he is my pa who is so smiling I grew up and became of nine Still not realizing  that he is mine I didn't share my feeling without knowing that he is my healing One day, he made me happy  by giving chips and toffee then,he started talking with me making me realize that I was his 'Pari' That day onwards I became his friend, And he became my buddy I laughed at him and, he laughed at me

An important advice

Be a good listener!! Listening is an ability which is lacking in today`s world .Especially in youngsters.They have become more dominant and are trying as much as they want or can without listening to the person opposing the view.According to me,the major problem of our country due to which , it is still a developing nation that the people are not willing to keep quiet and are becoming violent . I feel unfortunate,when when I think the citizens  of India who are so much talented are lagging behind .If we talk about all the famous and popular personalities,we find one thing common in all of them that is,they have good listening capability in them.Now,let us talk about the advantages of this listening ability. According to me , if we listen to the people cautiously ,then it prevents the misunderstandings and therefore the conflicts. At the end , I would like to conclude my writing by conveying that, it is important to be a good listener than to be a good speaker .
It is a very sensitive matter which I have selected to write about. Although I don`t think that I`ll be able to write about those blind eyes which have opened my eyes .When I think about those great persons who are dealing with this disorder, I get worried as well as emotional .I also feel grateful to god that he has made me capable enough to see but those people cannot see themselves!   They cannot just imagine what is red? Blue or pink? They cannot see this beautiful world and cannot experience their life by their eyes. When I played the game of covering the eyes with a cloth and then finding different things, Critically, I was baffled . I felt so uncomfortable that I opened my eyes in just few minutes. After that incident, I realized the significance of the eyes which I never realized before. I took this gift as just a common thing and also for granted.   I also met one lady who was blind had a word with her, when I was talking and having conversation with her I realized th
My Grandpa is priceless !!! My grandpa is priceless I love him limitless  Although I could not stay with him,for long  but his memories made me realize that he is with me  even if I am wrong He was my role model He was my inspiration  He was my bestiee.... who followed the path of honesty He never lied He never cried  he was always ready  to help someone who was needy My grandpa was only one who won the hearts of everyone  He was so gracious  and was so precious!!