
Pandemic Creates Pandemonium

 Pandemic  creates Pandemonium Covid-19 has been declared pandemic by WHO and writing about this would go quite long, so to be specific I have particularly decided to write about something which affects India the most! yes, I am talking about the so-called "Indian variant" or B.1.617 which is leading to an Unstoppable chaos  in the country. How this variant mutated? and How could we have tracked its mutation? Being just a student I don't have much idea about the origin of the variant and I feel that the Specialists would be at a better position to answer the first question but I definitely have some idea to answer the second question which would be "Genomic Sequencing" through which we could have traced the arrival of this variant but unfortunately at initial stages our Medical System did not bother to  use this technique on a large scale.If it would have included in its strategy to deal with the virus then we could have surely traced the presence of this varian

स्वरचित श्लोका:

  {1} राम : बुद्धिमान् रावण : बुधिमान् को भेद रामरावणयो : कठिनसमये प्राप्ते राम : राम : रावण : रावण :|| {2} परिश्रमस्य फलम् समस्याया : हलम् च विलंबेन सह एव परम् अवश्यमेव प्राप्तम् || {3} यस्मिन् कुले सम्मानीया : न नार्य : तर्हि तत् कुलम् जगति कदापि न सम्मानीयम् || {4} शिक्षाया : कठोरम्   मूलम् तु परन्तु तस्या : फलम् अतीव मधुरम् || {5} ज्ञानात् बृहत् किमपि दानम् न गुरो : बृहत् को s पि दानी न च ||   --महक   बाफना    

Sanskrit shloka throwing light on the importance of perseverance

  परिश्रमस्य फलम् समस्याया : हलम् च विलंबेन सह एव परम् अवश्यमेव प्राप्तम् ||

शिक्षक का महत्व



 It is difficult to recover from a prolonged illness. And it seems in today's world 'prejudice' is one such disease. Devotion to a thought is  perfectly alright but submission to  the same sometimes lead to narrow-mindedness. this is what we have done with Ravan I would reverently refer him as a folk hero and why should we not? is it right to judge somebody knowing  only one side of the story or is it more sensible to look and listen to both the sides. majority people are religiously committed to Lord Ram and definitely he deserves that devotion. but why is it right to condemn Ravan just because he was a rival of Lord Ram. I know Ravan made one of the gravest mistakes of his life  to kidnap the pious lady Sita. but let me ask you my dearest readers, did he  ever misbehave with her? He could have done anything unjustified to a helpless woman .But he didn't. though, I cannot justify the kidnap of lady Sita but still i would urge people not to overlook the  qualities, gran

A short poem

LOVE Love is an emotion not an expression It is your devotion,not your submission Beautiful is its journey Tremendous is the destination No explanation No judgement No definition No exaggeration But just a commitment Selfless it is Flawless is its course Longer may it be But immense it is That is what love is Absolutely dedicated to my mother💓

If you you fail to prepare you are prepared to fail.

This is a clear fact of life beautifully described by mark spitz a renowned name in the world. Literally it means that if we are unable to to prepare for the task then it is sure that we would fail. One who works hard and make sure that there is no loophole in his preparation then,  there is no doubt of his failure one should not run after success because as much as we yearn to get it  ,it will run far away from us so in spite of running after success we should work to achieve excellence.